How many pallets can be loaded onto a truck?
Wooden platforms - pallets are a basic element of transporting all types of goods. They are commonly used in truck transport, as well as sea, rail and air transport. What are the advantages of transporting goods on pallets and how to estimate how many euro pallets fit on a truck? Read more →
How long does it take for a ship to sail from China to Poland?
The People's Republic of China is one of Poland's most important trading partners. A key role in economic exchange between our countries is played by the transport of cargo, which is largely carried out by container ships. How long does it take to deliver from China to Poland by sea freight? Are there other alternative ways to deliver goods from China to our country? Read more →
Transport process - what is it?
The transport industry is one of the foundations of the global economy. Transport of goods ensures the possibility of distributing goods regardless of the place of production and place of sale. What is the transport process? What means of transport are used to transport goods? Read more →
Airline pallets
Air cargo transport is one of the fastest growing branches of international transport. What are the characteristics of air cargo transport? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such transport? And do air freight use pallets as a shipping unit? Read more →
Transport of medicines
Transport of pharmaceuticals is one of the most demanding types of transport. This is due to the specificity of the transported cargo, which requires maintaining precise thermal and air humidity conditions. Changing these conditions and any interference may cause changes that pose a threat to the health and life of patients. Read more →