Market news

Information on traffic congestion in Małaszewicze


Dear Customers, Business Partners, 

We hereby inform you that from July 03.07.2024, 1, there are difficulties related to the implementation of customs formalities at the Małaszewicze crossing, which causes delays in issuing transits (TXNUMX). Additionally, we are observing increased inspections.

This situation causes traffic congestion in Małaszewicze, so the delivery of your cargo may be delayed.

At the same time, we assure you that we monitor the situation on an ongoing basis and make every effort to deliver your loads as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your understanding,

Symlog Ltd.

Dear Customers, Business Partners,

We hereby inform you that starting from July 3rd, 2024 some disruptions occurred at the border crossing in Małaszewicze related to customs formalities, which causes delays in issuing transits (T1). Additionally, we are observing increased inspections.

This situation causes traffic congestion in Małaszewicze, so the delivery of your cargo may be delayed.

At the same time, we assure you that we monitor the situation on an ongoing basis and we make every effort to deliver your loads as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your understanding,

Symlog Sp. z o. o

Ecological tracks. A transformative vision presented at the New Silk Road Business Forum in Astana


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Baltic Hub inefficient. Problems at the port of Gdańsk


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Floating LNG Terminal in the Port of Gdansk


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