GAZ-SYSTEM has entered into important agreements with the Port of Gdańsk and the Maritime Office in Gdynia regarding the construction of a strategic FSRU floating LNG terminal in the Bay of Gdańsk, which is of key importance for Poland's energy security. This investment is aimed at diversifying the sources of natural gas supplies to the country and securing over 30% of the national demand. An FSRU is an LNG storage vessel that converts liquefied gas into gas and delivers it to the transmission network.

The agreements were signed on October 12 and cover mutual support, coordination and exchange of information in the investment implementation process. The FSRU terminal will be located within the boundaries of the Port of Gdansk, which will increase the importance of this area on the economic map of the Baltic Sea. The Port of Gdansk Authority will support the design and implementation process of the investment, providing the necessary utilities and real estate in the port area.

The FSRU terminal will enable the import of liquefied natural gas from anywhere in the world, which will contribute to strengthening Poland's economic position in the region. The Maritime Office in Gdynia will be responsible for building a breakwater, which is the foundation for the terminal and gas reception and transmission equipment. The project received financial support from the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The first gas loads at the Port of Gdansk are expected to arrive in 2028, which will be an important step towards a sustainable energy future for Poland.